When it comes to getting away from it all, a hunting holiday surpasses any alternative for many people. Fortunately, there are numerous great spots in the USA to get out and about with your gun. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best spots for you, if you’re considering a trip this summer. So, let’s take a look.
#5. Kansas

Kansas happens to be one of the states that used to be close to the top for most for the “Best Whitetail Destinations” lists and for a very good reason. From the year 2005 to 2010 Kansas ranked 8th on the Boone & Crockett entries and speaking statistically, this state provides the 3rd best chance out of all the states when it comes to killing this type of buck.
However, Kansas still suffers from similar conditions to Iowa. While these monster bucks are definitely around, the issue remains on how to get to them. Only 0.8% or 420,000 acres of the total area is open for public hunting. In comparison Michigan has around 7.3 million acres available in hunting land open to the public. In addition, while state lottery systems associated with deer tags provide better chances of being drawn compared to Iowa, the cost associated with private or guided land hunts are astronomical.
While this Sunflower State is rated as one of the top destinations, if you have a goal to kill one of the record-book whitetails, it seems like you need to be open to forking over a serious amount of money in order to do so. So pack your trail cameras for hunting deer, your gun and your hunting clothes and get out there.
#4. Illinois

Illinois is the state that is not on the top 10 lists of any of the categories, excepting trophy production. Illinois happens to have 299 bucks that were entered in the Boone & Crockett books from the date 2005 to 2010, which is the 2nd highest of all the states.
While a few of the states on the lists we have scored highly in either one or more categories, Illinois scored well in many. In Illinois the “antlerless harvest” is big and is over 100,000 on an annual basis. The pressures are extremely high but not more when compared to a variety of other states. In addition, the public land that is available is reasonable and the trophy production is significant. If you are offered with an opportunity to hunt in this state, we are positive you will be very glad that you did.
#3. Missouri

Missouri at this stage is one of the up-and-coming stars when it comes to the outdoor industry. Many TV and online hunting shows have come about from Missouri in previous years, making it a fantastic state for hunters.
In addition, this state has proof to back up this newfound popularity. Trophy potential happens to be massive and there are fantastic amounts of available public land, while the pressure is regarded as reasonable. Around 38% of buck harvests are around 3 and half years in age or older, this state’s heard of deer seems to have an age structure that is healthy.
#2. Indiana

This is one of the other Midwestern states that have gone unnoticed and a variety of the Hooiser hunters are happy to make sure it stays this way. However, none of the other state’s offer better chances when it come to achieving a whitetail in the record books, hunting in this area provides a .08% chance in achieving a Booner, that is far better when compared to any of the other states.
In addition, this state also features in the top 10 for the total B & C entries in the last decade and significant amount of the pressure hunters have enjoyed a 50% success rate. Combining these factors along with the significant amount of available public land has earned Indiana the 2nd spot on our list.
#1. Kentucky

For many years now Kentucky has remained the best-kept secret when it comes to the hunting industry, and most of the Commonwealth hunters are fearful that the secret is now out.
This Bluegrass state appears like it has everything to offer. This includes friendly regulations, long seasons, and a well-balanced, large and healthy herd along with reasonable pressure. In addition, this state also offers a load of trophy potential and public land.
Kentucky is only ranked 2nd to Indiana when it comes to the likelihood of harvesting Booner’s (0.082%). These factors combined happened to be more than enough for Kentucky to earn the first spot on our list of hunting destinations in the United States of America.